We believe that everyone has the right to a good home, but 1 in 6 people worldwide cannot afford this. That is why we are Key Sponsor of the HomePlan Foundation. With each key that we give to our residents, we make a donation for the construction of a house in Latin America or Africa. This means that your new home directly contributes to the future of a family in need. As a warm welcome to your new home, we attached this little birdhouse to your key to remind you of the family that has a roof over its head, thanks to you! We consciously choose to support HomePlan because offering people a home is the basis of our company. We truly believe that everyone deserves a house, home and future!

If you are forced to live in a hut made of branches, mud or corrugated iron, it has major consequences for your life and future. That is why HomePlan builds houses for the for the poorest in Southern Africa and Latin America. Sturdy, sustainable houses with separate rooms and often also a toilet and a water pump. Almost 4,000 houses have already been built for and with poor families, which gives them self-confidence and creates a great start of a better future. Would you like to see with your own eyes how a HomePlan home changes lives forever? Visit the website!
HomePlan works closely with local partner organisations. They carry out a selection procedure for the people who qualify for a house, coordinate the building process, are involved in the evaluation and monitoring of the aid and report to HomePlan. The local partner organisation also provides aftercare programmes in the areas of education, medical facilities and workshops.
Due to the efficient building strategy, the costs of creating a home are kept low. This way, HomePlan has built almost 4,000 houses and given a better future to more than 20,000 people since its establishment.